Free contributions

The campaign of the free contributions in support of the activity promoted by the “Design Luce & Led Made in Italy” Committee.

The “free contribution” in favour of the Committee can be carried out under the description “contribution in support of the activities of the Committee Design Light & Led Made in Italy”.

The form has to be filled in and sent back to the e-mail address

The payment has to be made by means of bank transfer on the current account of the Committee IBAN IT04 M033 5901 6001 0000 0126 476, BIC: BCITITMX, at Banca Prossima S.p.A. (registered office: Piazza Paolo Ferrari, 10-20121 Milano, MI) and it shall state as its reason: “Company name – contribution in support of the Design Luce & Led Made in Italy” Committee”.

The Committee will issue a valid receipt.


Download the form pdf file
